When it connects works ok.
This works in conjunction with an accessory for those using Siemens brand hearing aids (with Bluetooth capabilities).
This product is pretty horrible. Majority of time it fails to sync for a variety of reasons. Tells me the hearing aids will not sync, my cables are not connected (despite fact they are), or just wont connect.
When it connects, works well. The phone comes in well, streams music! Is very nice and worth the couple hundred dollars I paid. However, I feel part of disappointment when it is connected stems from my audiologist and her lack of knowledge in setting up a hearing aid properly. So for that, I cant blame the app/accessory. Though if it connected say, 95% of time Id rate it higher. Cant use it if it doesnt connect. Am to point I may return hearing aids and accessory. I want a Bluetooth enabled aid that works.
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